Yeast pancakes with milk
                              Pancakes on yeast is a recipe from childhood, which allows you to feel like a child again, for your cheeks, pancakes pancake your mother's pancakes. Then they seemed the most ...
The ability to speak is a person's card
                              To learn to speak well, you need, first of all, to speak! In order to answer this question, I will ask you another question: What should I do to ...
Reduction of keloid scars at home
                              The causes of keloid scars, their types and stages of formation, methods to combat this skin defects: cryotherapy, laser resurfacing, ...
The most delicious buns
                                Note: from the above amount of ingredients, more than 20 bagels are obtained. If desired, you can reduce the number of ingredients in half. Filling for ...
Classic pea soup with pork smoked ribs
                              Each of us, coming to visit my beloved mother, probably wants to taste her soup, and even more so if it's a very delicious pea soup! Today,...
How to choose the right skirt: instructions for use
                              Not every woman wears dresses and skirts, preferring trousers and jeans. Why? What kind of dislike for the primordially feminine side? The reasons can ...
How to cook rice correctly for garnish: recommendations, methods, recipes and reviews
                              Rice is a popular cereal crop all over the world, and it's not surprising, because it fits perfectly with any meat, fish, vegetables. Rice is suitable for cooking ...
Therapeutic properties of the agave plant: how to use natural medicine
                              Agave, the medicinal properties of which are known throughout the world, come from Mexico. A plant with large green leaves full of juice, in Russia ...
Types of temperament and their psychological characteristics (Sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic)
                                (166) Are you a sanguine, melancholic, choleric, or phlegmatic? The article will tell you in detail about all kinds of temperaments. Everyone has ...
Honey dough: details, secrets, tips
Prepare a real cake at home is not difficult. We only need benign products, the right dough and a gentle light cream for a honey cake. Step by step ...
How to make puffs with minced meat in the oven
                                Samsa is one of the delicious dishes of oriental cuisine. Traditionally, for the filling is used lamb, sliced ​​and seasoned with herbs and spices. But in our ...
Why it is necessary to soak rice and how to do it correctly
                              Rice is a delicious, very useful and nutritious culture. From it prepare the most various dishes, for example, porridge, pilaf, cabbage rolls, risotto, rolls, ...
Pea soup - the best recipes
                                A very delicious and nutritious first dish is pea soup. The recipe for the classic version suggests the use of pork for broth. But in general the hostess can ...
Reproduction and planting of croton
                              A native of the tropics of Southeast Asia - Croton. Effective plant at home reproduces well. The Croton's stalk easily rooted in the water, if the process is taken in the summer ....
Despite the useful composition, the drink also has its contraindications
                              Surely many of us have heard that kefir is not only useful, but it is also a good helper for losing weight. Its composition favorably affects ...
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