Soluble chicory: useful properties and contraindications. Selection and storage. How to choose a quality chicory

Chicory (Cichorium) is often considered a common weed, many people think that this is just a coffee substitute. but healing properties   Plants were known in ancient times: chicory root was considered the best way to treat skin diseases and anemia, as well as to strengthen the immune system. The roots, ground into powder, began to be used to make the drink only from 1800, and many found its taste softer and more pleasant than the coffee one.

A study on mice also showed the potential of inulin, which helps with weight loss. Although studies have shown that inulin is thinner, an adjustable diet and exercise are necessary to achieve the expected result. Proper operation of your gut will greatly contribute to the search for weight loss.

Fructooligosaccharides are also found in various foods, such as asparagus, garlic, artichoke and chicory root. In the Brazilian market there are several brands that sell food supplements, which consist of inulin and fructooligosaccharides. These supplements are designed to help regulate the intestines and strengthen the immune system.

It can be said that the use of chicory is becoming fashionable today and is often associated with a healthy lifestyle. However, it is undesirable to abuse them: if you do not follow the measure and do not take into account your health, there is a risk of harm to yourself. Therefore, to know the composition, properties and rules of application of chicory is especially important.


Botanical scientists distinguish between 6 and 8 plant species, but only 2 cultivated varieties are of interest:

And if you are looking for weight loss, even with the help of inulin-based supplements, remember that in addition to a diet, exercise is necessary to ensure your goal. Know the main benefits of chicory. Chicory is a plant used as a seasoning for various products, but it is not one of the most popular here in the country. It has its origin in the regions of Asia and Europe, but it can be easily found anywhere in the world because of its high adaptation potential.

Chicory Manufacturing Technology

Thus, you can also find vegetables in the Brazilian markets without any problems, and here you can get other names: Brazilian coriander, almeyar, endive, bitter chicory and others. Want to know what innumerable benefits this plant can offer to our health?

  1. Chicory ordinary - has many recognizable appearance: resilient straight stems, small thin leaves collected in the root part and fluffy blue flowers. Distributed in areas with a temperate climate, but also found in Siberia and the foothills of the Caucasus. It grows mainly in forest glades, wastelands, often frames fields with cereals and populates the roadsides.
      The main interest in cooking is chicory root. Powdered dried and roasted roots are eaten instead of coffee (or added to it to improve the taste), and also used for the production of alcohol, syrups and confectionery additives. Often they are added to vegetable salads: at the same time the dishes acquire a particularly savory taste. In some countries, the ground chicory stew in oil is used as a side dish.
  2. Chicory salad (Cichorium endivia) - especially popular in the countries of Southern Europe and the USA and better known as endive. This kind of plant is cultivated for fleshy, cabbage-like leaves with a fresh, slightly savory taste, rich in vitamins A and K, essential for proper metabolism, calcium absorption and normal kidney function. Split-leaf (or curly) enidivia and broad-leaved, also known as scar, are distinguished.

Chicory: benefits and what it serves

Chicory has a substance in its root known as inulin. It can act in the stomach as a type of dietary fiber, that is, it stimulates peristaltic movements - movements that the body uses to “push” a bolus of food where it will be evacuated. This is great for those who suffer from this.

In addition, chicory can offer other benefits to our intestines, such as controlling the level of acidity in the stomach. Our diet should be rich in the foods they represent. This is because these nutrients can neutralize our health's important villain: free radicals.


Recently, some scientists cite data on the possible toxicity of chicory, but so far they have not been confirmed.

However, some of the harmful properties of chicory have already been identified:

  • Drink from the roots of the plant significantly increases the appetite, which is not always welcomed by those who follow a diet and struggling with fullness.
  • The high content of ascorbic acid in the drink can cause thickening of the blood, increasing the load on the blood vessels, so when hemorrhoids and the tendency to clot, it can even be dangerous.
  • The same ascorbic acid can serve as a catalyst for the development of allergic reactions and the formation of individual intolerance.
  • High content of magnesium, inulin and iron actively stimulates the nervous system - for people suffering from insomnia and nervous disorders, chicory can be a source of increased excitability.


The use of chicory is highly undesirable in the following cases:

It is important to realize that these horror stories are part of the body’s natural metabolic process. However, in excess, they can cause great damage. Antioxidants can neutralize or reduce the effects of free radicals and, thus, they can prevent a number of diseases, such as hypertension and cancer.

Anyone who wants to start or eat, should put chicory in the everyday menu. In 100 grams of a plant there are only 23 calories, and, having presented a significant amount, chicory has time to offer a feeling of satiety in less time. Thus, in addition to low-calorie food, it also gives an idea of ​​a full stomach, reducing hunger.

  • Less than 2 hours before bedtime - this can be fraught with over-excitement. nervous system;
  • With a tendency to develop allergic reactions;
  • Unstable states of the psyche, depression;
  • Lung diseases (OBL, asthma, bronchitis);
  • With vascular diseases associated with increased blood clotting;
  • Having weight problems, obesity.

With these conditions, even a small amount of chicory can be harmful. To avoid this effect, include chicory in the diet should be in small portions and little by little.

Chicory improves skin health

Not only your skin improves, but also your nails and hair, that is, it is like an elixir of beauty. This is due to the presence of substances such as beta-carotene and antioxidants. This can slow down cell aging, which means that you get older more slowly due to the action of antioxidants. Thus, in addition to helping you lose weight, chicory can also leave you healthy in every way.

Prevents liver, kidney and gallbladder disease

Chicory can improve the functioning of our liver system, and also helps stimulate the gallbladder to release more enzymes, which facilitates digestion. It also prevents the formation of gallstones. The same applies to the renal system: chicory helps prevent the formation of kidney stones. It can also help in the treatment of specific pathologies in the region, such as urinary tract infection.

Excessive consumption of chicory beverage, as well as any drug, may adversely affect health.


Composition and use

The beneficial effect of chicory on human health is due to the presence of the following substances in its roots and leaves:

  • Inulin - a fructose polysaccharide necessary for normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a prebiotic and is able to increase the number of lactic and bifidobacteria. The roots are richest with this substance - they can contain up to 75% of polyfructosan.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a vital element for a person, responsible for metabolism, healthy bones and circulatory system and the formation of immunity.
  • Pectins are polysaccharides known for their anti-cancer and protective properties.
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1), responsible for protein-carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2), essential for healthy eyes, skin and mucous membranes and normal red blood cells.
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3¬, PP) is a trace element essential for normal metabolism and blood circulation.
  • Potassium - one of the vital for the work of the heart and microelement vessels.
  • Magnesium - the most important trace element involved in maintaining the normal functioning of the muscles, nervous system, intestines.
  • Iron - a trace element responsible for oxygen exchange.
  • Calcium - a trace element essential for bones and teeth.
  • Tannins with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

The plant, a native of Europe and the regions of Asia, chicory has spread throughout the world, an affinity for temperate, tropical and subtropical regions. This vegetable is widely used in food, and its consumption is very common in Italy. In addition, he still possesses healing properties. According to nutritionist Andrea Marim, among his therapeutic goals are his renal and hepatic depurative function.

An ideal part for its consumption are leaves with a greenish color and capable of reaching 30 centimeters in length and 6 centimeters in width. With a bitter taste they have smooth leaves or ribs. Rich in nutrients and vitamins, it is still a source of protein, fiber and carbohydrates, as well as minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Its medicinal use dates back to ancient times, when Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used their properties to treat a wide variety of conditions.


Due to such a valuable composition, chicory has the following useful properties:

  • There is no caffeine in chicory, so a drink from the roots of the plant is indicated for patients with diabetes and heart diseases, as well as during pregnancy.
  • Tannins contained in a chicory drink increase appetite, improve intestinal and stomach function.
  • Iron and vitamin B3 help increase hemoglobin and effectively treat anemia.
  • Tones and improves the functioning of the heart.
  • Normalizes the nervous system.
  • Used as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent for gastritis in the Austrian and French traditional medicine.
  • Effectively treats kidney and liver diseases (pyelonephritis, cystitis, hepatitis).
  • Swelling edema.
  • A decoction of the roots is used to treat eye inflammation, wide spectrum   skin diseases, wounds and ulcers.

Chicory stalks are also used in compresses to relieve inflammation in diseases of the joints and lymphadenitis.

In addition to the pleasant taste, the addition of this vegetable in the menu can guarantee a variety of vitamins, fiber and minerals. Here are some of the benefits of professional chicory. It eases constipation and helps in digestion: because it has inulin, soluble dietary fiber, it helps in preventing gastrointestinal disorders, in addition to helping in good digestion, because it promotes the spread of beneficial bacteria in our body, he says. Another favorable point is its high fiber content, aid in intestinal motility.


When switching from coffee or tea to chicory, some may experience discomfort: the composition of the roots of this plant can not be called a full-fledged analogue of the usual tonic drinks.

Many recommend switching to chicory gradually - adding a teaspoon to a cup of coffee or tea. When the habit of healthy drinkDrinking more than two cups a day is undesirable - and you need to carefully monitor your well-being. As a rule, after a week of consumption, vigor appears, digestion improves and swelling disappears.

Dealing with stress: A nutritionist explains that this vegetable has a calming effect, providing a more relaxed, free mind and body. It protects the kidneys and liver: it helps in cleaning the kidneys, chicory ensures a diuretic effect, helps to eliminate toxins from the body, and also prevents the formation of kidney stones. The professional also explains that the same detoxification occurs at the level of the liver, thus avoiding the possible appearance of liver diseases.

It benefits the immune system: “Having antibacterial effects, chicory acts as an antioxidant, fighting free radicals responsible for the onset of cancer and cardiovascular diseases,” says Andrea. Improves skin health: because this food has high doses of beta-carotene and flavonoid, its antioxidant power improves the appearance of the skin, nails and hair, prevents disease and premature aging.

The following recipes with chicory are popular in folk medicine:

  • A decoction of 1 tablespoon of herbs per cup of boiling water, taken 2-3 times a day, 100 ml, helps to quickly get rid of gastritis.
  • For a quick increase in hemoglobin, chicory leaves juice is recommended, which should be taken on a dessert spoon daily with warm milk. In addition, it will increase the digestibility of milk four times.
  • A decoction of the roots of the plant helps with constipation - just take a tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • Grated chicory root, mixed with sugar in a 1: 2 ratio, helps get rid of worms. It is recommended to consume 1 tablespoon for the night.
  • An infusion of the stems and roots of a plant, taken in half a cup 3-4 times a day, successfully fights against complications of heart failure.
  • When allergic rash, boils, rashes, recommended compresses with a decoction of the root of the plant.
  • In severe skin diseases, ash obtained after burning dry roots, leaves and chicory flowers is considered the best remedy. It is advised to mix it with melted lard and apply on the affected skin.
  • Also, chicory root powder is added to the dough. Baking then gets a nutty flavor.

In cosmetology, this useful plant is used to create creams for oily skin prone to skin irritation, as well as hair balms. However, to use folk recipes should be very careful: the risk of developing allergies is very high.

In addition, the presence of this compound still helps in the fight against hypertension. It helps in weight loss: this advantage is guaranteed because of its low calorie per serving, in addition to its high fiber content, providing a feeling of satiety longer.

How to insert chicory in the menu?

According to a nutritionist, there are several options for adding chicory to the everyday menu. Leaves: “This option is a variety of salads and can be consumed alone or with other vegetables,” says Andrea. In recipes: a professional explains that chicory can still be included in recipes for sauces, soups and even juices, and can also accompany dishes with beef and poultry.

Selection and storage

Permissible use of the following types of raw materials for the drink:

  1. Self-collected and ground chicory roots (harvesting is possible only in ecologically clean areas);
  2. Ready instant powder;
  3. Liquid concentrate.

When choosing a product for making a drink in a store, you should pay attention to the shelf life, the absence of a sharp aroma, even brown color and the uniformity of the powder or concentrate. When buying roots, it is better to give preference to strong, dry and even.

Root: Usually it is used in the preparation of concentrated syrups or teas. “Another very common use of its root is its use in the production of coffee because of its bitter taste,” he adds. According to the professional, chicory does not have the maximum amount to be consumed, and should vary depending on the preferences of each of them, but always be careful not to overdo it, because it has laxative and diuretic effects.

Although these vegetables are very confused, this is not the same thing. What happens is that endive is a type of chicory that represents sheets flat than chicory. Benefits, such as the presence of complex vitamins of groups B, A and C, are present in both, as well as the characteristic bitter taste.

You can store powder, roots and concentrate only in hermetically sealed containers (preferably in a glass jar) and take it out with a dry spoon - the product does not tolerate even the slightest moisture.

Chicory is a very useful plant that helps to cope with a variety of diseases and gain good health. The expedient and correct use of this product, coordinated with experts, will not bring any harm.

Side effects and contraindications

A nutritionist warns that its excessive consumption can cause dysfunction in the digestive tract and even skin irritation. Users of drugs for hypertension should also be careful, because chicory is diuretic. Other various symptoms of excessive consumption include swelling of the face, difficulty swallowing, cravings and dizziness.

Rich in fiber, vitamins, proteins and minerals, chicory becomes nutritious food and is easily inserted into the daily menu. Start eating this vegetable and check all its health benefits. Chicory is a plant that has both culinary and medicinal uses. He belongs to the family vegetable vegetables   and has a very high nutritional value.

Chicory is a drink well known to people from ancient times. In addition to the pleasant taste, reminiscent of coffee, it also has a number of useful properties. For example, quite often use chicory for weight loss, to combat hypertension, to normalize the nervous system.

The women's site “Beautiful and Successful” offers its readers to consider chicory as a means to combat excess weight.

This vegetable, which attracts the attention of nutritionists, athletes and scientists of the world of fitness. Chicory is the green of a dark green family, you heard this statement, the darker the dark green the better? For it is true, these dark green vegetables have many nutrients that are necessary for our health.

The main advantages of chicory

Chicory is able to offer us many essential nutrients, it is food that should be added to the diet. And it’s also good to change some of the vegetables that we are used to, such as cabbage, lettuce and spinach. Among the main advantages of chicory.

It is good for many important organs.

  Chicory is very well suited for the liver to the kidneys and gall bladder. This vegetable has the protective properties of the liver and gallbladder. In addition to promoting their proper functioning. Since it helps in detoxifying the body and has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects, chicory stimulates the production of urine and still gives a “small kick” to the kidneys, which also work better.

The benefits of chicory for weight loss

The secret of drinks from this plant lies in its composition.

  1. Each cup of chicory is a solid portion.   inulin,   fructose related polymeric substance. Inulin controls the production of the hormone insulin, which is responsible for the level of glucose in the blood. Inulin in the stomach turns into fructose, and, as is known, fructose is a source of energy, but does not provoke the appearance of excess weight. Inulin is also beneficial in that it has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.
  2. Another useful component of chicory is pectin. This soluble fiber helps the intestines work and cleanses it of toxins. It is believed that pectin helps the body to destroy fat cells.
  3. Intibin   - This is a glycoside, also contained in chicory. It speeds up metabolic processes and has a positive effect on intestinal motility, preventing constipation. A timely disposal of the body from the products of processing is a necessary condition for the normalization of weight.

In addition to these components, chicory also contains B vitamins, including choline, retinol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, vitamin K, polyunsaturated fats, potassium, calcium, sodium and other minerals.

The ingestion of chicory still precludes the formation of stones in these three extremely important organs. Inulin is a type of soluble fiber that is found in high concentrations in chicory. Inulin is present in the root and acts by stimulating peristaltic movements. It helps in digestion and elimination of fecal cakes. Fiber still slows down the digestive process, which causes your body to better absorb the other nutrients contained in chicory and any food that you consume with it.

Improves skin, hair and nails

The action of inulin does not end there. It also helps to neutralize the acidity of the body, in addition to stimulating the secretion of gastric juice, which greatly improves the ingestion of food. Chicory is rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that prevents premature aging and acts directly on strengthening the nails, hair and cellular structures of the skin, avoiding the famous lethargy.

In addition to the fact that chicory is useful for weight loss, it is simply indispensable for people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Many argue that drinking the drink helps them to get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating and from that which discourage any desire to move. Therefore, we can say that chicory in some way contributes to the desire to play sports.

The site site found that chicory can be prepared for a variety of recipes and mixed with other useful products.

Chicory for weight loss: how to take

Since the drink reduces appetite, it is recommended to use it. before a meal, about half an hour before lunch or dinner.   It is advisable to take it warm, two or three times a day. It is not recommended to add sugar or honey into it. But chicory will be useful for losing weight and in the event that it is slightly sweetened, especially since it will remove the characteristic bitterness of the drink and make it more pleasant.

Some nutritionists advise to completely replace the evening meal with chicory.

You can simply start drinking chicory instead of coffee or tea. In any case, the new habit will bring the body a lot of benefit.

To enhance the effectiveness of chicory for weight loss, you can prepare drinks from it using one of the following recipes:

  1. A piece of fresh boil with boiling water, add lemon juice, leave the mixture overnight. In the morning, add 2 tablespoons of instant chicory and honey to the ginger infusion. Eat before breakfast, then drink throughout the day for 20 minutes before meals.
  2. For many coffee lovers, one of the favorite ways to drink chicory for weight loss is to make such a drink: mix ground chicory with coffee in equal volumes (about a teaspoon each), pour the mixture into a Turk, pour a glass of water, bring to a boil. Drinking coffee with chicory is recommended in the morning without sugar. You can add milk or cream to it.
  3. Excellent dietary qualities have a drink made from chicory and cinnamon. To prepare it, you need to take one teaspoon of the first ingredient and half a spoon of the second, brew the mixture with boiling water, leave for 4-6 minutes and drink.
  4. The easiest way to prepare soluble chicory for weight loss. A glass of water is taken 1-2 teaspoons of powder.
  5. Pleasant taste has a drink from chicory with milk. For the preparation of such a drink, you can brew the powder with boiling milk or milk, half diluted in water. Its use in the morning instead of coffee also contributes to weight loss.

Those who want to try the effectiveness of chicory root for weight loss, it is recommended to give preference product from a milled plant or from its pieces.   Soluble drink in its beneficial properties is much inferior to natural chicory. However, when choosing chicory, it is necessary to consider not only the form in which it is released.

How to choose a quality chicory

Unscrupulous manufacturers often add various impurities to the instant drink, usually ground cereals. Therefore, it is safest to choose chicory. in the form of pieces, powder or liquid extract. I must say, the latter option also has the advantage that it does not require much trouble when brewing and storing.

In addition, liquid chicory, according to experts, is the most difficult to fake.

Experts found out that such products as “Russian chicory”, “Health”, “Khutorok”, “Chikiroff”, “Golden back” are characterized by high quality. These products can be purchased safely.

But even high-quality chicory should not get carried away. First, because the body starts to get used to it and the useful effect decreases. And, secondly, because chicory can be unsafe, especially for people suffering from certain illnesses.

Chicory: the benefits and harm

For weight loss, this drink alone will not benefit, even if you drink it with whole liters. Chicory does not possess fat-burning properties, it only improves the general condition of the body and helps it to quickly get rid of all the excess. It is completely pointless to drink chicory, hoping that it eliminates the consequences of malnutrition or a sedentary lifestyle.

It will be useful to use chicory for weight loss if you simultaneously reduce the calorie content of your meals and start to play sports.

It is important to remember that in addition to the beneficial effect chicory can harm the body. For example, this drink is not recommended.   with urolithiasis, arthritis, gout, severe liver failure, with a tendency to allergies.

Those who do not have such diseases, it is useful to use chicory, but also in moderation - about 4 cups a day. Then the drink and does not hurt, and not get bored.