Growing crocuses in the open field. Crocus flower Growing crocus. Crocus care

Open the door to the spring gentle crocuses. A clear multicolored carpet covers the edges and glades of forests without fear of the February cold.

Description and features of crocus

Only the snow of the floor will melt to replace the snowdrops, appear crocus flowers  (saffron). Elegant colors (white, blue, pink and purple, yellow), goblet inflorescences popping through thawed patches.

The arrow with the buds is pulled out by only 10 cm. If the snowdrops are actively harvested for cutting, crocuses are not suitable for such purposes.Flowering occurs in spring and autumn.

In the first group, the leaves jump out along with the arrows. Growth continues after flowering. According to the spring view, the leaves are rigid, linear, narrow. The original strip of silver-white shade runs right along their center.

The second group of autumn flowering throws out leaves long before flowering (June). The next month, they turn yellow and die. Large inflorescences appear alone on peduncles.

Bulbous, perennial. Each corm can have 4 peduncles in the first vegetative period. Every year their number increases, hybrid varieties can have up to 10 arrows.

Crocus planting and reproduction

Saffron should be planted in open glades, on all sides closed from the winds. The soil fits any, but not sour. Does not like wetlands, clusters of snow. But the light, with organic, well-drained soil - this is what you need.

There are some nuances about organic - you can not use fresh manure, while digging, just rotted.

To make good drainage, it is enough to add coarse sand to the top layer of the earth. If there is no river sand, fine gravel will do.

Bulbs should be prepared in advance for planting. As soon as the leaves wither, scoop them up, hold them a little in the air to dry. Then, keep in a dark place with a temperature of 20 degrees C.

A month before planting, keep in the fridge, and in September you can plant in open ground. If the region with a warm autumn, it is better to postpone the landing in October. Corms must take root before frost, but in no case germinate. If the seat is sunny, it will bloom in early spring.

There are crocuses that bloom in the fall. Then planting crocus flowers  - mid summer.You can multiply the flowers with children, seeds. In order for the bulb to give more babies, it must be replanted every year.

As a result, the mother bulb will form up to 2-3 children. Seeds are sown just like babies in the fall. Only flowering after the seed method of planting comes in 3-4 years.

Crocus flower at home  grown for forcing. This is relevant for future holidays, such as March 8, Valentine's Day. The whole process from landing to the appearance of flowers takes 3 months. To do this, select large bulbs of hybrids that bloom in spring. This could be Grand Lila, Joan of Arc.

Several bulbs sit in one pot, without touching each other and the walls, covered with soil, sand from above, and poured abundantly. Substrate: turf, leaf soil, sand. Keep containers in a dark place with a temperature of 8 degrees C.

As soon as sprouts up to 5 cm appear, the roots will stick out of the drainage holes, the flowerpots are transferred to the sanctified place. The temperature at this moment should be no more than 15 degrees C.

The light will do its job - the plants will quickly begin to reach up. To extend the flowering time   crocus flower in a potup to 3 weeks, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 0 degrees C at night. It is possible to carry out to an unheated terrace.

Crocus care

The plant is considered unpretentious and   flower care crocussimple enough:

    Watering to produce in the spring, if the winter was not snowy. True, dried earth leads to rapid flowering. With enough moisture, the plants will be much higher. During dormancy, irrigate should not be, as crocuses prefer to rest in dry land.

    When shoots appear, the soil should be loosened and free from weeds.

    Top dressing. Crocuses love organic, but only in the form of rotted. It is added during digging. Active growth is accompanied by mineral components. The first dressing to hold dry formulations - scatter right in the snow. The second, after flowering - in the composition of liquid mineral fertilizers should contain potassium, phosphorus. Potassium contributes to the development of healthy bulbs, phosphorus provides lush flowering.

    The timing of digging, transplants are dictated by the type of flowering. Spring varieties - June, autumn - the second decade of July.

    In not snowy and cold regions of the plant it is better to mulch. To do this, well-fallen foliage, peat. In the spring free from shelter.

Crocus flower how to careand fight diseases, pests:

    Rodents. They feed on bulbs in autumn, in winter. Rodents are also considered carriers of viral diseases, fungal infections. To protect against them you should use plastic boxes. Cover them immediately after planting the bulbs in the fall and buried in the ground. A groove is made around, where preparations from mice are poured, and on top they are covered with a layer of earth.

    Wireworms. Symptoms: bulb pierced through holes. In the fight against it are used very successfully traps. A hole is made where a layer of fresh grass, straw is poured, covered with a lid of planks on top. After some time, the wireworms put the larvae in the hole. Since they are quite satisfied with the nutrient medium, warm. Pull out the contents of the wells and burn. Set traps to complete destruction.

    Aphid. Signs: twisted shoots, the formation of honey dew. As a preventive measure, planting material is processed before planting. Fight: spray the plant with karbofos.

    Viral diseases. The cause and carriers of the virus are aphids, ticks, thrips. In order to prevent the need to fight in a timely manner with pests. If, however, crocuses are affected, they must be uprooted and burned, since viral diseases are incurable.

    Fungal diseasescause the formation of rot, mold. The reason - the wrong care, pests, warm weather. Fight: destroy infected specimens, treat live plants with insecticides.

Crocus types

Crocuses, flowers  can be divided into several categories. In one of these groups include plants with small buds. Another group is distinguished by large buds, which include hybrid varieties.

But what colors are crocusesFor example, hybrid and botanical varieties are not difficult to answer. Petals of inflorescences amaze with an unusually different scale: purple, yellow, white, bicolor.

On the photo are two-color crocuses.

Spring crocuses - photos of flowers:

Ruby jint  Rubi (Giant). The variety is out of sight Tommasini. Inflorescence purple or pink on the outer edge of the petal and white shade in the center. Against the background of the petals, bright yellow stamens stand out in contrast.

Pictured crocuses by Ruby Gaint

Bring back  (verni) An early variety of the species Tommasini. Funnel-shaped purple buds with bright yellow stamens. Spring Crocus Flowers  appear in February.

Bring crocus flower

Golden-flowered crocuses:

Flavi (flavi). A distinctive feature of the golden-flowering species is abundant flowering. Moreover, corms throws up to 10 peduncles with buds. The leaves are light green, narrow, with longitudinal stripes.

Crocus flag on the photo

Pickwick  (Pickwick). Variety refers to the Dutch species. The ancestors of his appearance are just two types of the previous spring and yellow. On the white field stand out purple streaks.

Pickwick Crocus Flower

Joan of Ark  (Joan of Arc). Monophonic buds will not leave indifferent with their large, snow-white inflorescence. The variety belongs to the Dutch species. Among flower growers very popular for unpretentiousness and beauty.

In the photo crocus Joan of Arc

Crocus blooming in autumn:

Blue bird  (Blue Bird). Inflorescences of a hybrid of a blue shade, the name and is translated as "the blue bird" though concerns gold-colored look. The flowering period is August-September. Unpretentious, but rarely on sale. Flower growers prefer all the same plants of spring flowering.

Crocus blue bird

Crocus beautiful(C. speciosus). Feature of the form - flower stalks jump out of the ground in September, without waiting for the leaves. Those, in turn, will appear only in the spring, wilting will come in July. So there are arrows with magnificent large inflorescences of light-purple shade with dark veins.

On the photo crocus is beautiful

Crocus inoculum  (Saffron cultural). Six petal flower purple shade. Arrows with buds grow without leaves. An interesting detail - each inflorescence is on a flower stalk only two days.

Crocus seed (Saffron cultural)

Full cycle of autumn flowering 15 days. Stigma petals have value in cooking, pharmaceuticals. The bars are collected, dried. If you try to determine the aroma of dry columns, it reminds a mixed smell of bay leaf, nutmeg, coriander,.

Buy crocus flowerin a pot can be in the flower shop or ordered through the online store. Flower crocus price  varies from 400 rubles and above. If you buy bulbs, then they will appear on the shelves in large quantities in July.

Crocus, or Saffron (Crocus)  - a genus of perennial bulbs of the family of iris or Iris (Iridaceae). Beautiful flowering species are used in floriculture, one of them is a valuable spice.

  • Family:  iris
  • Homeland:  Europe Asia.
  • Rhizome:  corm.
  • Stem:  missing.
  • Leaves:  linear basal.
  • Fetus:  box
  • Reproductive ability:  propagated by corms and seeds.
  • Illumination:  light-requiring
  • Watering:  moderate.
  • Content Temperature:  winter hardy
  • Duration of flowering:  10-18 days in spring or autumn, depending on the species.

Crocus description

Crocuses (see photo below) are bulbous perennials growing in nature in meadows, including highlands, in steppes and rare forests in the center and in the south of Europe, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, in the Middle, Small and Central Asia, in the Middle East. Some species are endangered and listed in the Red Book.

Crocus flower in the photo

The scientific name of the culture is saffron, but in the floricultural literature the Latin name of the flower is widespread - Crocus. This is a short, not higher than 10 cm, plant, with very narrow, side-folded linear leaves and bell-funnel-shaped single flowers of various colors, blooming in most species in early spring, and in some in the fall.

Beautiful leaves of spring and autumn crocuses

Green, often with whitish central veins, crocus leaves appear directly from the ground, in early-spring forms - usually towards the end of flowering, continuing to grow after flowers wither, in autumn crocuses - simultaneously with buds or even next year, along with fruits.

For all species, the presence of vaginal leaves, grass roots, forming under the ground and enveloping a young shoot before its appearance on the surface, and upper ones, covering flowers in the form of a scaly wrapper, is also characteristic.

The ground stem of the plant is absent, it turned into a short (5-8 cm) leafless peduncle, usually located underground.

Crocus bulbs

The bulbous crocus bulbs are small, no more than 3 cm in diameter, flat or spherical in shape, covered with brown or reddish scales. In the lower part they form a thick bundle of uriciform roots, in different species, differing in color and structure.

The corm lives one year, it is formed in the lower internode of the flowering shoot, during the season, accumulating nutrients for flowering next year. The following year, during the growing season, this storage body is reduced in size, consuming nutrients for growth and flowering, and is replaced in the spring with a new bulb.

Crocus flower description with photo

Crocus flowers emerge from the bulb one by one or 2-3, have a large corolla-like perianth with segments, fused together into a long tube reaching 10 cm in some species, which, with the actual absence of a stem, performs its function, bringing the flower to the surface.

The tube consists of six lobes, folded in the upper part, the diameter of the fully opened flower of some species and varieties reaches 7-8 cm.

Buds bloom only in clear, sunny weather. There are natural species with yellow (from light yellow to orange), or blue (from pale blue to thick purple) flowers, albino white flowering forms are often found. Cultivars are more varied in coloring, they can be not only monophonic, but also two-colored, with spots and contrasting patterns.

Photos of some types of crocus flowers are presented below:

Spring crocus flower on photo

Caspian crocus flower on photo

Crocus Sharoyana flower in the photo

An interesting structure of the reproductive organs of plants. During flowering, the ovary is underground, the stamens are shorter than the perianth, attached to its throat, filamentous columns have three branches, which also in turn branch, and the stigmas are on the edge of the final branches. It is in the stigmas contains a special glycoside, pikromitsin, which causes the coloring and aromatic properties of saffron. The flower is pollinated by insects, but nature has also provided for a self-pollination mechanism, because due to the early spring or autumn flowering time, crocus often falls into adverse weather conditions. At the same time, saffron seed cultivated for the purpose of obtaining spices is completely sterile, since, obviously, it was obtained by hybridization of several species.

The fruit, a three-nesting box, is formed under the ground, is taken out upward by a lengthening tube of the perianth only after full ripening and is already revealed on the surface, scattering small angular seeds.

History of crocus flower use in culture

  The Latin name of the culture, crocus, comes from the word kroke, which translates from Greek as a thread and, obviously, is associated with the presence of long threadlike pistils in it. The word "saffron" in Arabic means "yellow", and reflects another valuable quality of a flower, namely the presence in the pistils of a coloring agent that has been used for many centuries as a natural, including food coloring.

Crocus has long been widely used in culture, valued not only as an ornamental, but mainly as a food plant, as well as a source of bright yellow paint. Useful qualities of a flower known to mankind for many millennia. Saffron paint existed already in the Neolithic era, i.e. 7000 years BC e., its traces are found in the cave paintings of the time. The spice called saffron is obtained from one type of autumn crocus, saffron seed, it is considered one of the oldest on earth, but today it is also very popular and extremely expensive. In this capacity, the ancient Sumerians began to use the flower for the first time, they also own the first written references to the culture found in 3000 BC. e Sumerian cuneiform. The description of crocus is found in Egyptian papyrus, created more than 1500 years BC, the Egyptians used it for embalming and in various diseases. Saffron was grown in ancient Greece, Alexander the Great and his warriors were treated with a flower in their many
   cleared hikes. Healing was considered in ancient China, widely used as incense and medicine in ancient Rome.

Culture got to Europe in the X-XIII centuries, during the Crusades, and soon became a flower of luxury, personifying wealth and high status. The crocus symbol emblazoned the arms of the royal dynasties, in particular, the Bourbons.

Practical use of crocus flowers

  Currently, saffron as a spice is cultivated on an industrial scale in Iran, India, Spain, France, England, Georgia. Its high cost is due to the fact that only the stigmas of crocuses are used as raw materials, to obtain 1 kg of spices, it is necessary to process about 300,000 flowers. In the first year, one plantation yields only 6 kg of dried stigmas, and about 20 kg the following year. To get a quality product, saffron is harvested at dawn, before opening the buds, 3 stigmas are gently plucked from each flower, dried and packaged. All operations, as in ancient times, are made by hand, so it is not surprising that the cost of spices in the market ranges from 460-470 dollars (Iranian saffron) to 900-950 dollars (Spanish product) per 1 kg. Such a high price has always caused a lot of fakes that were severely punished in the Middle Ages. There were attempts to synthesize substances with similar taste and aroma artificially, but so far no one has managed to do this.

Despite the high cost, the spice in our time is quite affordable, because it is added to food in very small quantities, one gram is enough to cook several huge boilers with pilaf. Overdose gives foods a bitter taste, moreover, too high a dose may be unsafe for health. The latter must be borne in mind when treating saffron, it is especially important to strictly adhere to the recommendations of experts.

Currently, as a dye, the culture is used in the food industry, it is tinted in yellow cheeses, butter, various beverages.

Crocuses are also highly valued in modern floriculture. Numerous spring-flowering species are grown in the gardens, they look great in group plantings in flower beds, in curbs and rabatka.

Especially spectacular early crocuses on the alpine hills. Flowers are cultivated in the rooms, they are easy to forcing.

Considering pictures and postcards with beautiful flowers, the heart stops at the sight of a truly tender and delicious plant called crocus. His homeland is located in the tropics of the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. However, crocus also feels great in the climate characteristic of our country.

A surprising feature of this bulbous plant is that its stamens are used in cooking as a seasoning for the second and first dishes. Such an additive is called saffron. Planning daily to watch a crocus in a live form and to enjoy its wonderful aroma, you can plant it at home. On how to properly care for crocus at home, we'll talk in this article.

Common varieties of crocus flower among flower growers and photos of these species

To date, more than 80 species of the described plant have been recorded, some of which are listed in the Red Book. Consider some varieties that bloom in the fall, which are popular among gardeners:

Crocus flower care at home

Prefer large-flowered crocus varieties

Analyzed plants to grow on your window sill or on the site will not be difficult if you listen to the advice of experts. They will help to achieve simultaneous flowering of each particular crocus variety at the right time, and will also contribute to their good growth.

For this purpose, adhere to such stages of work:

  • decide on what sort of this plant you want to see at home, because it will depend on it the flowering time. In addition, we should not forget that as an ornamental plant, not all species can bloom in an enclosed space;
  • it is necessary to give preference to the large-flowered varieties, because they look much more beautiful;
  • in one pot should grow flowers of only one type. This is due to the fact that different varieties not only bloom in different season of the year, but also have different stalk lengths;
  • bulb circumference should not be less than 10 cm (only so in the pot will be a large number of large flowers);
  • early varieties necessarily germinate, which will allow them to root better;
  • in one pot it is better to plant the bulbs of the same size, because large ones will grow and bloom much earlier than small ones.

By holding these simple tips on preparing for growing crocuses at home, you can achieve excellent simultaneous flowering of all the flowers of one species.

Choosing a crocus pot

Crocuses planted in wide and shallow pots.

Most often, crocuses are planted in wide containers with a shallow bottom, in which a good plant rooting takes place.

The main nuances of watering

These plants do not like a large amount of moisture. Therefore, experts advise watering them no more often than every 3 or 4 days (when the top portion of the soil dries out). Otherwise, if you pour crocus, it may turn yellow leaves and then crumble.

It is often allowed not to spray the leaves of the flower, because it is resistant to low humidity. With the appearance of buds, water in no case can not be poured on the ground (this is done only in the pan).

Consider the basic requirements for the good development of crocuses, which consist in their proper planting:

Despite the fact that crocuses love sunny places for their development, during their flowering period it is recommended to remove them from direct sunlight, because in this case they quickly wither and deteriorate.

Soil fertilizer

Suitable fertilizer for crocuses are phosphorus and potassium.

Well fertilized the soil during planting, you can save yourself from feeding the plant during its flowering. In the case when for several years crocuses grow on the same ground, it must be fertilized.

Phosphorus and potassium are considered the most suitable fertilizer.  They stimulate the growth and development of both the bulbs and the buds. The feeding process is carried out three times:

  • When sprouts appear, the amount of potassium should be twice as large as phosphorus.
  • In the process of bud formation - the volume of potassium and phosphorus is the same.
  • After completion of flowering - phosphorus and potassium is added in equal proportions.

By creating all the favorable conditions for the growth and development of crocuses, it is possible to ensure that this plant will bloom for 2-3 weeks. At the end of this time, the flower will begin to wither, and the leaves will fall from it. After waiting for complete withering, the development process of this plant begins anew.

Having grown a crocus once in your own flowerpot or at your summer cottage, it will not be possible to exchange it for another plant, because it is always capable of striking in its beauty and unusual appearance.

After a month and a half, we look at the result.

And three months later, as they planted, we look at the result.

The spring crocus flower, or saffron, as it is also called, belongs to the perennial iris family. He got his name for the bright yellow shade of floral stigmas. Even in ancient times, they were painted clothes, as well as crocuses made medicines, incense and spices. Crocus flowers come in a wide variety of colors, from light monochromatic to two-colored. Many gardeners who would like to plant a crocus in their area are interested in the care and planting features of this flower.

Care and cultivation of crocuses

As experience shows, it is easy to grow crocuses in the garden and care for them. These plants love open and well-warmed places. A short flower without a stem has dark green leaves, extending directly from the corm. Its goblet-like flowers open in sunny weather, and on cloudy or at night, on the contrary, they close.

Crocus blooms most often in the spring, although in the fall you can also see these delicate flowers in the garden. Depending on the time of flowering, there is a time of crocus planting. If you have a spring flowering plant, then it should be planted in late summer - early autumn. If you are late with planting, the crocus bloom will be weak, because he will have very little time for the formation of roots and the formation of a point of renewal. Autumn-flowering crocus species are planted in summer. In addition, digging bulbs every year is not necessary, it is enough to transplant crocuses every five years. Acquire crocuses better after they have faded. And if you buy them with color, they will be sick and in the next season they may not bloom at all.

How do crocuses breed?

Breed these beautiful primroses and seeds, and corms, and their children. Every year, the maternal corm dies, leaving several new ones in its place. After the flowering has ended, the corms intended for reproduction are dug, dried and stored at a temperature not higher than 20 ° C.

Seeds are sown in the fall directly into the soil. If this is done in spring, then the seeds of crocuses are pre-stratified. With this method of reproduction, the flower blooms in three to four years.

Planting crocuses in spring and autumn

Regardless of whether you plant crocuses in the fall or spring, you first need to choose the right place for them. In the shade they will not bloom, and the snow from sunny places will come down faster. Crocuses love light, fertilized and well-drained soil. For these purposes suitable claydite, gravel or large river sand. Before planting, rotted manure with lime, compost or peat should be introduced into the hole. The corms must first be pickled in a special bactericidal solution. Planted them to a depth of 8 cm, and children - no deeper than 5 cm. If the plants decorate a flower bed, they should be planted tightly so that the flower bed looks more decorative. Crocus seeds are sown in ridges to a depth of about 1 cm.

After the appearance of the first leaves, the land around the plants should be loosened. During the entire period of flowering crocuses love watering. Without it, the flowers of the plant will be small. However, in the period of rest you don’t need to water them.

Crocus is a winter-hardy flower, but in case of severe frosts it is still better to cover it with spruce or peat. But the small spring and autumn frosts the plant tolerates without damage to itself.

Crocus can be fed three times during the season. The first time is in early spring, before the plant begins to grow. The second time - during the formation of buds. And the third time - after flowering is over.

Plant crocuses in groups in or on the lawn, in or in the outdoor lawn, and they will become a real decoration of your spring garden.

Perennial crocus plants delight gardeners at the same time as snowdrops - they are among the first to appear on the islands of the earth, freed from snow, and bloom for about a month. All species variety of crocuses is divided into 15 large groups. The first of them is given to autumn varieties. All other 14 groups of crocuses are spring flowers with narrow linear leaves and petals of various shades.

What do crocuses and flower photos look like?

Crocuses (saffron) are the most early-flowering of the Corridor family. The genus Crocus has about 20 species. Wild-growing crocuses can be found on high-mountain meadows, on stony scree of Crimea, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Mediterranean and in central Europe. Most crocuses bloom in spring, but there are also autumn-flowering species.

Multi-colored crocuses, appearing on snowy thawed patches along with snowdrops and Scylla, bring spring into the garden and tell us - the end of winter, it's time to move to the garden. And although many gardeners prefer to live in the city, the flowering of crocuses marks the beginning of the summer season.

What do crocuses look like and what a distinctive feature are flowers of all kinds?

A characteristic feature of crocuses is the absence of the aboveground stem. Inflorescences rather large, directed upwards. According to the description, the flowers of crocuses at the time of flowering resemble glasses or funnels, each has six petals, they come straight out from the corm. Blossoming flowers can be stellate or cupped.

Look at the photo, what crocuses look like - the color of the flowers of these plants is the most diverse:

In the center of each flower, a bright orange pestle glows. The leaves are narrowly linear, usually with a longitudinal white stripe. In spring crocuses, leaves appear during or after flowering, the boll appears on the ground a month after flowering.

Here you can see photos of crocus flowers of various types:

How to grow crocus flowers

How to grow crocuses in your garden? Place for planting is preferable to choose the sun, although the plants tolerate shading in the afternoon. Another important condition for planting crocuses is loose, drained soil. The best is sandy soil with a neutral reaction. Plants do not tolerate fresh manure. At one place crocuses are grown for 4-6 years. For the full development of the plants need a sufficient amount of mineral and organic fertilizers. Before planting, you need to fill up well: 15 kg of well-rotted manure or compost and 100-150 g of superphosphate are applied per 1 m2. Spring-flowering varieties and species are planted in September. The bulbs are planted to a depth of 8-10 cm at a distance of 5-15 cm.

In culture, unpretentious. After planting, when caring for crocuses, watering is necessary only as needed. Feeding is carried out immediately after the snow melts with mineral fertilizer with a reduced dose of nitrogen, and at the end of flowering only with superphosphate. To dig up the bulbs start in the second half of July, when the seed boxes come to the surface of the soil, indicating the end of the growing season.

The dug corms are dried for several days in the shade, then cleaned from the ground, roots, leaves, and old maternal bulbs. Continue drying in a ventilated room at a temperature of 18-20 ° C. 1-2 weeks before planting, the temperature is reduced to 10 ° C.

Crocuses breed not only with corms, but also with seeds. Vegetative method is basic. For the year, an adult corm gives 2-3 replacement bulbs and small babe. For faster reproduction, crocuses are dug out and transplanted annually or every other year. At shallow planting, significantly more daughter bulbs are formed. However, in this case, crocuses need enhanced watering. Seed propagation method is used in breeding work and in the cultivation of species crocuses. The seeds are dried for 2-3 weeks and sown on ridges to a depth of no more than 1 cm. Seedlings bloom in the third or fourth year.

Care for the flowers of crocuses is not difficult, since these plants are almost not affected. They can be grown on, under, on and in curbs, in containers and on lawns. Most crocus varieties are suitable for forcing in winter.

Below are photos of planting and caring for crocuses at their summer cottage:

What are the crocuses: the description of groups and varieties

Currently, there are about 300 varieties of garden crocuses. All variety of grades and types is divided into 15 groups. At the same time take into account the timing of flowering, as well as features of the structure of the bulb. In the classification, crocuses of autumn flowering (group 1), which are not listed here, and crocuses of spring flowering (groups 2-15) are highlighted.

The following describes what spring crocuses are and how they look.

Group 2.  Biflorus grows in the south and south-west of Europe, is found in the Caucasus and in Asia Minor. The flowers are purple, the stigma is yellow. There are several natural varieties with flowers from white to lilac.

A very interesting variety of crocuses "Alexander" - purple flowers with a narrow white edging, white inside. One bulb forms up to 15 flowers.

Albus Biflorus of Velden   has narrow pure white flowers of small size.

Now look at the photo and read the description of the crocus group Chrysantus.

Group 3.  Chrysantus (golden-flowered) grows in south-eastern Europe and in Asia Minor. The flowers are golden yellow with dark stripes on the outer side of the petals, the stigma is orange-red. The leaves are very narrow. This group includes a fairly large number of varieties. Early, abundant and long flowering is characteristic. Large bulb forms up to 20 flowers.

The following varieties are best known:

"Blue Pearl"   - pearl-bluish, when blooming almost white.

"Lady Killer"   - purple-purple with a white edge, inside lilac-white, brilliant.

"Marietta"   - flowers inside are light yellow, outside petals are lemon yellow with chestnut stripes and strokes.

"Nanette"   - large flowers inside monochromatic yellow, outside canary yellow with purple strokes.

"Princess Beatrice"   - Flowers are mauve-bluish with a golden-yellow base.

Schwanenburg Bronz   - garnet-brown on the outside with a narrow yellow border, saffron-yellow on the inside.

“E.A. Bowls   - lemon yellow, bronze-green base with purple strokes on the edge.

Group 4.  Vernus (spring). Varieties of this group occupy a leading place in floriculture, as the most unpretentious and resistant to diseases. Most varieties have large flowers of all shades of blue-violet tones, as well as white and variegated color. Flowering in April. More than 90 varieties have been registered.

The following varieties are most popular.

"Albion"   - white, purple stripes at the base.

"Baron von Brunov"   - purple outside, lighter inside.

"Harlem Jam"   - The flowers are small pink-lilac-gray in color, inside amethyst-purple.

"Joan of Arc"   - white with a dark purple base.

"Inchantress"   - light amethyst magenta with a silvery sheen.

Negro Fight   - dense purple with a purple base.

"Paulus Potter"   - large flowers of thick magenta-purple color.

Pickwick   - flowers are grayish-white with purple stripes.

"Remembrance"   - purple with a silver sheen. According to the description of the plant, the crocus of this variety is most similar to the variety Baron von Brunov.

Pay attention to the photos of these varieties of crocuses - all of them are truly magnificent:

Group 5.  Aureus (gold) is found in the Balkans and in Asia Minor. The flowers are bright orange. Sometimes outside on the basis of the petals grayish-purple stripes. The stigma is yellow-orange. It blooms in the middle of spring. The best yellow crocus is the variety “Grosse Gelbe” with flowers of intense yellow color.

Group 6. The balance sheet is found in the west of Asia Minor. The flower inside is chrome-yellow, outside with beetroot bands. It blooms in early spring.

Includes only one variety:  Zwanenburg (van Tubergen) - outside orange-bronze color with purple stains, inside golden yellow.

Group 7.  Candidus This group is represented by only one sort: “Zubflavus” - amber-yellow with a bronze tint.

Group 8.  Etruskus grows in Italy in the Tuscany region. The flower is bluish purple. There is one variety in the group: Tsvanenburg (van Tubergen) - light purple, outside with a grayish tint.

Group 9.  Flavus (yellow). This group consists of Dutch yellow crocuses. The flowers are ranunculus-yellow, dimmer on the outside, with grayish-green stripes at the base. Early flowering. There are two varieties: "Confidenza" and "Doctor Lotsi".