Melancholik sanguine choleric phlegmatic description in the table. Types of temperament and their psychological characteristics (Sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic). Among the negative aspects of the nature of the choleric can be called


Are you a sanguine, melancholic, choleric, or phlegmatic? The article will tell you in detail about all kinds of temperaments.

Each person has a unique identity from the moment of birth. This can be confirmed by any nurse working in the maternity hospital: all newborns behave differently: one karapuz sleeps twenty-two hours a day, the other, violating all the rules of conduct for "normal" babies, long awake, interested and attentively looking at the bent over him adults, the third does not allow you to forget about yourself for a second, making shrill screams ...

Unhealthy female. An unhealthy woman loses herself in a relationship, is afraid of being alone and can not live outside relationships. Typical symptoms include: codependence, symbiosis, emotional fusion, inability to distinguish your own emotions from partner emotions, loss of individuality. Differentiation from others is complicated. In the idea, there is a fear of being autonomous and making decisions alone. Emotions and actions easily get out of control, and there is a tendency to depression, emotional numbness and dead libido.

An unhealthy woman can not leave the community. Healthy masculine. A healthy male emphasizes autonomy, as freedom of external control or external influence. He acts according to objective moral standards, and not under the influence of desires and wills. Force can be found through the agency, and this is more about what to do. The action is result-oriented, and independence and inviolability are necessary. Self-understanding occurs by itself, and not by external influences. Freedom also means freedom of government and what others want or do not want.

These differences, thanks to which already in the first days of life Masha can not be confused with Dasha, and Petya - with Sergei, - nothing more than a manifestation of temperament. The attitude of parents, upbringing, life experience will further influence how these quietly sucking (or loudly yelling) convolutions grow, but the temperament will remain more or less unchanged "factory setting".

A healthy male age is on the way up, to relieve the relative conditions, attachments to the ego and suffering. There is a healthy perseverance and a propensity for differentiation, the creation of ordering systems, the ability to distinguish and reason. An unhealthy manly person, as a rule, is alienated and separated from others, from isolation and depersonalization. The feeling of self is broken and distorted, emotions are suppressed. Excessive emphasis on the Agent leads to dominant control and destructive aggression.

The orientation of the goal becomes coercion, excessive attention to independence leads to a fear of relationships and attachment. There is an inability to relate to others. Excellent attention to freedom can lead to self-destruction of drugs, alcohol and crime. Purposeful behavior at the expense of life leads to the exploitation of nature. The inability to perceive the prospects of others leads to recklessness, creativity turns into destruction.

Temperament is a manifestation of the type of nervous system in a person's activity, individually psychological personality features in which the mobility of his nervous processes is expressed, their strength, balance.

We have already written a little about temperament in the article "", here we will try to expand this topic in more detail.

The combination of typologies with development models leads to a much more complete description of models and "frees up" both typologies and development models from limitations of their capabilities. Essence, the essence of the typology is preserved at each stage of development, but varies significantly at each stage. A simple example of three stages of development of traditional, modern and integral.

Level 1: traditional: strict observance of gender roles. The mass essence tends to the public domain, and the female essence tends to a private sphere. Level 2: Contemporary: differentiation is made from co-dependencies and a power struggle level 1 with a healthy male and female. Gender plays an increasingly less important role, and joint independence and cooperation appear.

The doctrine of the various types of temperament has a long history. The founder of this teaching is the great ancient Greek physician and scholar Hippocrates. As this learned man believed, four types of liquid (juices) circulate in the human body: blood, yellow bile, black bile and mucus (phlegm).

Each of them has its own special properties, and for each person these four "juices" are combined in the body in a certain proportion. This combination determines the characteristics of the organism's activity, as well as its propensity to these or other diseases. And besides, on how exactly the four fluids are combined and which one predominates, the features of human behavior also depend.

Level 3: Integral: At this stage, there really is a trans-ordinary connection between male and female. Mass dedication of the mission and the women's desire to love each other. Both these entities can form a strong polarity and flow freely and freely.

An example of a feminine trait is the cultivation of relationships for the developmental stages of egocentric, ethnocentric and global significance. Level 1: self-centered: it's about my relationship and interdependence. It's about your own needs for relationships with others.

Stage 2: ethnocentrism: relationships and interdependence serve our needs. Level 3: The World Center: the development of relationships and interdependence includes "all of us". There is a connection with all people. Similarly, all characteristics of a type can be represented using their one-dimensionality and illustrating their unfolding in the development flow.

The names of the four types identified by Hippocrates appeared, however, several centuries later, as were their detailed psychological descriptions. What Hippocrates called the Greek word "beautiful" ("confusion"), in ancient Rome began to be called the Latin word temperamentum ("the proper proportion of parts, proportionality").

Roman physician Galen first created a detailed classification of temperaments , which was based on the idea of ​​mixing four liquids. However, in the classification of Galen types, there were already thirteen (including four hippocratic ones). As Galen believed, the predominance in the body of yellow bile (Latin chole) determines the choleric temperament, blood (sanguis) - sanguine, phlegma - phlegmatic, and black bile (melanoschole) - meloncholic. Galen's own psychological description of these four types was not detailed, but over time it expanded and became more detailed.

As another example of a typological application, the course presents the orientation of the squares in which the quadrants are applied in the form of a four-dimensional typology. This is a typology that divides people according to their preferred quadrivial perspective. The initial question: what type of evaluation is preferable to the occurrence of phenomena?

Each event or phenomenon can be seen in four aspects, for example. Reflection: what are you instinctively oriented towards? Your own quadrant orientation is usually unconscious. Here are a few examples of how to look at preferences in all four aspects.

You probably know the terms themselves - choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic - and at least their approximate meaning.

Do not miss the fundamental article devoted to another approach in studying the typology of personality - "". Highly recommended for reading.

The information below will surely seem interesting to you, if you can easily distinguish a sanguine person from a choleric person. It is important, after all, not only to know exactly how these types "look".

Preference assessment: personal meaning, personal values, internal experience, individual motivation and what is even more important for oneself. If not, I'm not interested. . Preference assessment: community value, vision and resonance; common connections; Affiliation, partnership; our point of view is more important than my point of view.

  • My meaning has a general meaning.
  • My priorities are determined by group priorities.
  • How do we treat our individual actions?
  • Do we agree with what we feel?
Preference assessment: everything is visible and related to the systemic view - how everything is connected. It is about the goals, processes, roles and results of the work of the group and their supporting structures.

In practical life, it is not superfluous to understand what are the strengths and weaknesses of different types of temperament, which is psychologically comfortable for them, and what, on the contrary, can cause stress. This information is useful both for introspection and for greater confidence in relationships with surrounding people. Let's add one more thing: in the past, in psychology, many attempts were made to connect the psychological features of temperaments with certain types of physical structure (the human constitution). Strictly speaking, it was not possible to build reliable evidence of such a connection. And yet we give the corresponding descriptions of the "typical" appearance of choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic.

Understanding how everything works together is best achieved through a structured process of careful consideration. The preference for evaluation is based on individual actions and behavior, the value of what is achieved and produced, and the amount of available energy.

In the refinement of this quadrant typology, then the primary quadrant and the secondary quadrant are differentiated. This leads to 16 typologies of primary and secondary quadrants. Further research in this context will be as follows. How can typological models be used?

Curiosity for the sake of you can try these descriptions on yourself and your friends - maybe a share of the truth in them still show up?

Choleric temperament

If we are talking about a person, that he has an "explosive temperament," then we undoubtedly mean choleric . This is a tornado man, a walking grenade with a pulled out check. Rest he does not even sleep - and anyone who happens to be with him will also have to forget about calmness and stability.

It is important to first understand what topic to be treated, with which typology and in what complexity. The choice of the theme shows which typological systems are suitable for it. Levels are included, and if so, with which model of development? This exercise is connected with revealing hidden ideas or dynamics.

Imagine a partner with whom you are connected. Relationships can be the same or opposite. Step 1: Choose your topic and clearly define it "from the heart". Step 2: Male or female? Then draw two more lines on a sheet of paper, representing the spectrum from "balanced" to "explicitly masculine" or "clearly feminine".

  • Then ask the same question in relation to another person.
  • Then mark your position as you test it for you on this spectrum.
  • Do the same for the other person.
Step 4: Healthy or unhealthy?

The energy reserves that the choleric possesses strike the imagination. It seems that he manages to be in several places at once and deal with a variety of things at once. A choleric at work is a whirlwind and fireworks. It seems that in his turbulent social activities he should have at least part of the charge, but no: when he returns from work in the evening, he does not enter, but rushes into the house and during the supper that he devours without sitting down for a second, he has time to report home about everything that happened to him for the day, pour out on them a whole mountain of plans for the next weekend, vacation and the next Christmas, ask a hundred questions and answer them - and, we emphasize, all this is not in order, but at the same time! As it manages to it - only the lucky owner of the "explosive temperament" knows.

Can you also learn triggers and buttons that lead to a healthier or unhealthy self-expression?

  • Is the essence more static or dynamic?
  • How is self-expression perceived by others?
Step 6: At what level of development? What is the peculiarity of attention of consciousness, do you have a jump in consciousness, and if so, between what levels, how are your levels related to the subject? From what level are the participants? . Go through both people participating in the topic again.

What needs to be corrected?

  • What is the type or essence of the game?
  • Is the expression healthy or unhealthy?
  • Is the expression more static or dynamic?
  • Where are the common focuses of participants' consciousness?
  • Reflect the theme.
Step 8: What are the most important influencing parameters?

At all thus the choleric is extremely purposeful. He instantly (but how else?) Makes decisions and rushes to their execution in all pairs. Because of that amazing speed with which he thinks, speaks and acts, because of his desire to have time everywhere and everywhere, one can get the impression that he is a person unassembled, frivolous and inattentive. But this is not so. Choleric forms its goals not only very quickly, but also very clearly. He may, of course, not have enough time to devote his associates to his plans, but he himself knows perfectly well what he is trying to achieve.

The experience section of the Basic Integration Course is the ability to recognize, appreciate and live by its own type in a suitable typology. It is also about recognizing the dynamics in one's own thinking, behavior and "how it happens" with respect to horizontal variance of types and against the background of one's own center of gravity. He once again emphasizes that from an integral point of view there is no ideal typology.

This practice helps you understand how to explain and behave normally. To this end, in different scenarios, 8 different operators are presented, which relate to the search for their own response and the formulation of it in as many as two sentences. Call a friend to update my resume, go for a drink. . Question 1: You are experiencing a difficult financial situation and would like to make more money.

Communication with choleric people is often complicated by the fact that they do not recognize any compromises and are generally prone to a contrasting perception of the world - only black and only white, no shades and halftones! For the sake of a loved one a choleric person, without hesitation, will go into the fire and into the water, but he also demands the same from the object of his feelings. He leads by life not reason, but passion, and passion, as you know, is blind. Calm, reasonable arguments, unhurried development of relations for him are unacceptable.

Question 2: You wake up on Sunday without planning anything, and think about what to do with the day. Question 4: Do you want to know more about what your goal in life is and what contribution it makes to the world. Question 5: You want to lose three kilograms in the next three months.

Question 6: You want to improve communication with your partner or partner. Question 7: You diagnose a health problem that you must take care of. When you write your answers, read the following four examples of answers to the question. See which one is the closest to your answer. Write down a letter corresponding to your answer.

Portrait of a choleric

Excitable, impulsive; energetic, determined, purposeful, persistent; straightforward, demanding, prone to maximalism, uncompromising; pragmatic, selectively sociable.

How to communicate with choleric:

1. If he screams at you, remember: he does not really scream at all, but just talks like that;

Where do you want to go? I imagine food and an atmosphere that I like, in accordance with my current mood. Family and friends to see what we can do together. . Question 6: You want to improve communication with your partner or your partner.

Together we adopted an action plan for the project, which also shows how this project fits into other activities in the company. The most important topics of the project were discussed and resolved in such a way that it was right for me. We all exchanged views. We came to an agreement on what we should focus on in the future. The solution of this exercise is given in the following way.

2. If during the conversation the interlocutor-choleric repeatedly thumped his fist on the table, threw a lighter on the floor, stamped his foot - this does not mean that further dialogue with him is impossible; you need to somehow relieve the tension!

3. If you need anything from him, tell him about it immediately, frankly and distinctly: the long "preparation of the soil," hints and verbose introductions that precede the conversation on the merits, deprive him of the last remnants of patience and enrage him before you have time to finally speak out;

You and your friends decided to go on vacation together. During the meal, you discuss the journey. Which of the following answers is most suitable for you? Before we think about how we move, let's talk about different drivers, how much money we want to spend, how much we want to be on the road, what time period we all need to look at each other to find out that we all arranges. Let's decide where we want to go and when. Maybe we can go somewhere in the sea. I think it's wonderful that we will experience this together. We must discuss what we expect from this trip, so that it becomes a unique experience for each of us. This trip will help me to become better again. . It is about expanding self-awareness for greater self-esteem.

4. cheating choleric (even for trifles) - dangerous for life! He himself is practically incapable of lying, and does not forgive his relatives for deceit and insincerity;

5. Remember, believe and humble: he can not share a seat in one place, talk for a long time about one thing, "show patience" and "keep oneself in hand." He will always react with annoyance at being late, sluggish, monotonous and will never stop waving his arms and running around the room during an important conversation ...

6. But if you do not deceive his trust, you will show him sincere attention and interest, and even better - approval and even admiration, he will put all his fantastic energy and extraordinary creative abilities to achieve your common goals.

Advantages and disadvantages

The greatest successes of cholera are usually achieved in all spheres related to communication: "the human factor" is of particular importance for the choleric person due to his increased emotionality. The choleric does not get tired of countless conversations, on the contrary, emotions and attitudes of others charge him with energy. Of course, the violent disposition of a choleric person often causes conflicts, but the choleric who is carried away by some idea or idea is always ready to neglect his personal interests in favor of the common good - it is unacceptable for him to remain in the shadow and in inactivity.

Unpredictability and impulsiveness of a choleric person may turn out to be a strong and a weak side, depending on the situation: he can do not at all what was expected of him, but it's the choleric people who speak! generators of ideas, because they are not afraid of novelty and before others can see the problem in a completely new perspective.

Choleric easily and quickly adapts to new conditions, switches from one task to another. But with the formation of sustainable skills and the ability to perform routine work, to act on approved instructions, it's much worse. Giving out brilliant new ideas, the choleric person quickly loses interest to them and is not inclined to study them carefully, leading to perfection.

"Typical" appearance

Thin, often even fragile, long arms and legs, narrow chest, protruding joints; skull slightly conical, tapering upward, pointed chin, slightly developed or oblique lower jaw, nose "outstanding" - rather long, pointed.

Individuals   AS Pushkin, AV Suvorov

Sanguine temperament

Sanguine   - general favorites: sociable, cheerful and immensely charming. About these often say: "Surprisingly easy person!" But the ease of sanguine is not only their dignity, but also a certain drawback. You feel completely happy, basking in the rays of his smile ... until you find out that exactly the same, warm and sincere smile can be addressed to your cat and to all your friends and acquaintances, and to the cashier in the department store, and to the electrician who came to repair the wiring - in short, to any living creature that falls in the field of view of this glorious cheerleader.

With sanguine it is almost impossible to spoil relations. In response to all your reproaches, he will smile and joke, advise you "not to take such nonsense" and will nullify any attempts to talk seriously. And the thing, of course, is not that he is indecisive or indifferent. Simply, he always strives for balance and above all puts emotional comfort. If necessary, he is able to show remarkable diplomatic ability, but his goal is always the same: that everything is fine.

Theoretically, this position is very attractive and quite worthy, there is only one problem: if a sanguine person is convinced that very serious efforts are required to maintain harmony, he will most likely go looking for it "good" somewhere else. Unlike a choleric person, a sanguine person easily switches from one goal to another and is not inclined to make sacrifices.

Portrait of a Sanguine

Sincere, open, sociable, talkative; optimistic, cheerful, emotional; ready to compromise, easily switches from one problem to another; plastic, able to adapt, enterprising.

How to communicate with a sanguine person

1. do not expect to obtain exclusive ownership of his charming smile and attentive, interested attitude;

2. Sanguine feels particularly good, if everyone likes it without exception; Be prepared for his almost unconscious desire to enchant everyone;

3. In general, it is quite easy to maintain good relations with a sanguine person, because he always votes for world peace and is ready to make concessions for the sake of maintaining harmony, but do not abuse it: he will not stand boredom, routine and indifference;

4. Do not require the sanguine depth, strong emotional involvement - he prefers comfort. He not only loves, but also knows how to create it, and with due assessment of others, this talent will manifest itself to the full.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sanguine distinguishes good switching from one case to another, high efficiency. The sanguine-keen singer does not pay attention to external disturbances and irritants, quickly develops and permanently retains the necessary new skills and skills - but wherever energetic strong-willed efforts or careful monotonous work are required, sanguine people often lose choleric and phlegmatic.

As for choleric people, the most significant for sanguine people is the "human factor". Therefore, the optimal spheres of activity for them are everything connected with communication. Sanguine can be placed to yourself, persuade, charm. But the role of a strong leader, as a rule, succeeds him worse.

"Typical" appearance

Low growth, rounded forms, propensity to fullness, short extremities, broad and convex thorax; round head, nose "potato", "duck" or snub-nosed, short thick neck.

Individuals   M. Yu. Lermontov, Napoleon Bonaparte

Phlegmatic temperament

At first sight, phlegmatic person   - the ego is the exact opposite of the choleric. On closer examination, the holders of these temperaments reveal many similarities. First of all, this is their perseverance and the desire to always achieve their goals. The only difference is the speed with which they do it. If the choleric always overcomes obstacles on his way "from a swoop," swiftly and recklessly, the phlegmatic acts very slowly and carefully, carefully weighing before it all the pros and cons. Plans never "arise" in his head, he painstakingly builds them, then he carries them out for a long time, and then, praying and rolling up his sleeves, he begins to implement them.

Phlegmatic - not a warrior, but a creator.   He is very peaceful or, at least, too passive to enter into conflict. But this does not mean that he will obey all the requirements of others: stubbornly phlegmatic surpass, perhaps, representatives of any other temperament. If you express your dissatisfaction with his actions and try to change his plans, he will not argue with you and fight - he just silently and persistently continues to follow the chosen path.

It is very difficult to take out the phlegmatic from yourself, and we do not advise you even to try to do it: if your attempt succeeds, this "success" will not only be the first, but also the last - an angry phlegmatic will not leave a wet place from you. A sluggish and complacent, awkward and slightly ridiculous phlegmatic in a state of rage is transformed beyond recognition; he will simply crush the one who dared to disturb his peace. Fortunately, to bring phlegmatic to such a state is almost impossible.

Portrait of a phlegmatic

Closed, restrained, silent; peaceful, reliable, permanent; sluggish, conformable; purposeful, patient, persistent, stubborn, pragmatic.

How to communicate with the phlegmatic person

1. Do not require him to make quick decisions and actions - the speed of reactions is completely inaccessible to him. This is a biological property, not laziness, absent-mindedness or something like that. All meetings and events in which a phlegmatic participant takes part should be planned taking into account this particular feature;

2. Similarly, on all his plans, always notify him ahead of time: he needs time not only to gather to visit, but also in order to get used to the idea of ​​the impending visit at all. Phlegmaticians do not tolerate any suddenness;

3. never try to "re-educate" him. This should not be done at all with anyone and never, but with phlegmaticians such behavior is especially unacceptable. If a sanguine person has a very developed ability to adapt to the demands of others, and a choleric can be, at least, interested in and carried away by something extraordinary, the phlegmatic admits only his choice and his way. At best, you are wasting your time and energy, trying to convince him, and in the worst case (if your claims to him reach some critical mass), you will provoke an explosion of indescribable power

Advantages and disadvantages

Phlegmatic - the most workable of all types of temperaments, and the productivity of his work is the highest. To damage this remarkable capacity for work can often change the working conditions, the contradictory nature of the requirements. The need to make quick decisions puts the phlegmatic in a very uncomfortable position, but this does not mean that he can only be good as a performer. Wherever it is required to maintain stable processes (rather than seek new opportunities), a reliable and confident phlegmatic person can perfectly handle both managerial work.

"Typical" - appearance

A tight, well-built figure, a massive physique, well-developed musculature, arms and legs of short or medium length, often a tendency to fullness, a short and wide chest; wide angular skull, large nose, short neck.

Individuals M. I. Kutuzov, I. A. Krylov

Melancholic temperament

Melancholics - beings are highly vulnerable. Perhaps, getting along with melancholics is more difficult than with anyone else. Although, at first glance, their character lacks many "problem" features of other temperaments: they, unlike choleric people, are not "explosive" at all, they do not have the boundless stubbornness and sluggishness of phlegmatic people, nor the desire to squander their smiles and constantly change hobbies , so characteristic of sanguine. Soft, submissive, touching melancholics are truly "white and fluffy" ...

And nevertheless, the establishment of relations with a melancholic can be a serious test for you. The fact is that the melancholic almost always feels deeply unhappy. He has a very low self-esteem, he is extremely insecure, full of all kinds of fears and anxieties. He probably has poor health, and even if there are no real diseases, he will certainly find a whole bunch of imaginary diseases. Melancholik is ready to be offended or upset over any trifle (perhaps even existing only in his imagination). It always seems to him that they do not like him, do not appreciate him, do not give him enough attention. And whether it's worth to be surprised if all the people around are so good, interesting, attractive, and only he alone, poor and unhappy, did not differ in anything, does not shine, is not capable of anything - and so on ad infinitum.

I must say that such a disparaging attitude of a melancholic to himself is completely unjustified. Yes, it really does not have a large supply of energy; on the parameter "force of nervous processes", three types of temperament refer to "strong", and only melancholic is characterized as "weak". But melancholics have a lot of virtues. Due to the fact that they constantly listen to their own feelings and feelings, they, willy-nilly, learn to feel other people.

Melancholic as no one can understand, sympathize and console. In the complex world of human feelings, emotions and emotions, he is oriented with his eyes closed. He is afraid to act, he thinks a lot. Sensitivity and well-developed intuition are very characteristic of melancholic. And, finally, they often have an almost impeccable taste and are sincere lovers of beauty.

Portrait of a melancholic

Shy, shy, insecure; he does not know how to adapt, he quickly becomes tired; romantic, subtle; anxious, vulnerable.

How to communicate with a melancholic

1. always take into account his emotional weakness and instability: this is not whims or manifestations of a bad character, but features of the functioning of the nervous system, and nothing can be done about it;

2. as often as possible praise, encourage and support it - a melancholic person needs it more than anyone else. At the same time, in no case do not invent virtues or achievements, which in fact and in remembrance there is: a sensitive melancholic instantly recognizes insincerity. Just be attentive to what he says and does, and you will certainly notice something that really deserves praise;

3. Be ready to completely change the self-esteem of the melancholic, making it permanently high, you will never succeed, no matter how much effort you make. But if you constantly show him your attention and sincere interest, his self-confidence will gradually increase;

4. Do not reproach him for constant complaints, but do not react too sharply to them; melancholic will always find something to complain about and why worry, but you can not with him to plunge into the abyss of his despair. This you will not help him and significantly damage your own emotional health.

Advantages and disadvantages

Melancholics often have high intelligence, but they are very unstable. This is associated with considerable emotional mobility: the melancholic quickly grasps the new, but weakness and instability lead to the fact that as quickly absorbed can be lost.

The emotional overload of melancholic is contraindicated, the sphere of interpersonal relations is not their element, despite a well-developed intuition: too many stresses. But intellectual work that does not require constant communication is the right thing: a melancholic can perfectly analyze, design, plan, easily handle large amounts of information.

"Typical" appearance

Fragility of appearance, leanness, long thin arms and legs, narrow flat or concave thorax, thin waist and relatively wide shoulders and hips; The skull narrows downwards, the forehead is high, the chin is sharp, the weak lower jaw is long and, often, pointed.

Individuals PI Tchaikovsky, N. V. Gogol

Having become acquainted with the portraits of four types of temperament, you may have begun to doubt: some features seem to remind you or your acquaintances, but exactly none of the people known to you is suitable for the descriptions presented.

There is nothing surprising here. "Clean" choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic in the world does not happen, we can only talk about the predominance of one of the types. The features characteristic of the type can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent. We did not in vain start the story from ancient history: remember, the very word "temperament" means "mixing parts."

So in each of us features of all types are hinted, but the proportion in which this cocktail is made determines the features of reactions and behavior.

At the moment, psychological science has gone much further in studying the personal characteristics of each person. After all, it is impossible to simply take and divide all people on the planet into four groups, so modern researchers have gone much further - in our time a lot of so-called psychological types of a person or personality psychotypes are singled out. In determining them, a huge number of factors are taken into account, temperament or character.

An even more modern direction is an individual approach in determining the type of personality.   Read more in the article "".

We can not also not draw your attention to the unique psychological testing presented in the analytical module "Personality" on our portal, combining a multifaceted analysis of your individual characteristics, character, temperament, and abilities. Read more.

The division of people according to the types of temperament in antiquity was the subject of purely medical, but in the modern world has firmly become part of the mass culture. Choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic - each tries to know himself and better understand the surrounding people, relying on the accepted typology. About the one who is a choleric and how to get along with him - in the material below.

Who is a choleric person?

The theory of temperaments began to develop in antiquity. First proposed her great ancient Greek healer and philosopher, "father of medicine" Hippocrates, who lived in the IV-III centuries BC. It is he who owns the terms for the types of temperaments.

According to Hippocrates, human behavior is regulated by a mixture of neurohumoral fluids in the body - the so-called "life juices". He singled out four components, from the ratio of which this or that type of temperament is composed:

  • blood;
  • lymph;
  • yellow bile;
  • black bile.

The predominance of one or another component and gives us one of four types - choleric, sanguine, melancholic or phlegmatic. In more detail, this typology was developed by the ancient Roman surgeon Galen. According to the teachings of Hippocrates and Galen, in the body of choleric yellow bile prevails.

At different times, many scientists have been involved in the problem of the relationship between the bodily and emotional qualities of a person. His models were offered by Kretschmer, Sheldon, Eysenck, Jung and even Immanuel Kant. The most interesting practical research in this field was conducted by our famous physiologist I. Pavlov.

Observing the interaction of the processes of excitation and inhibition, Pavlov singled out three properties of the nervous system:

  • force;
  • equilibrium;
  • mobility.

Thus, the general brief characteristic of a choleric person is as follows: a strong, mobile, but unbalanced type, processes of excitation, in the cortex of the brain which predominate over the processes of inhibition.

How to identify a choleric person?

For sure, many remember the famous French comedian Louis de Funes and his characters - impetuous, impetuous, angry, with active facial expressions and gestures, with expressive emotions and loud speech. These characters are somewhat grotesque, but quite accurate illustration of the owners of the choleric temperament.

Watching choleric people is so interesting that an anecdote was born about this:

- How to distinguish phlegmatic from choleric?

- Very simple. Phlegmatic believes that twice two equals five, and is absolutely calm. The choleric knows for sure that twice two is four, but he is terribly nervous.

By this characteristic line - constant nervousness and readiness for an explosion - it is easy to recognize a choleric person in any company.

Even in a calm state, a man of this type of temperament resembles a dormant volcano.


Relationship temperament and the external appearance of man was the subject of reflection, for example, E. Kretschmer. At the beginning of the 20th century, this German psychiatrist published his famous work "Body Structure and Character", in which he proposed a model of constitutional typology. A little later in the US, the idea was picked up by W. Sheldon and developed his own concept.

Both models were criticized. The choleric temperament, of course, leaves an imprint on his appearance. However, one can not directly relate any constitutional features or facial features to the choleric temperament. Much more about the character of a person tells his facial expressions or the manner of speaking and moving.

From this point of view, the choleric are quite recognizable:

  • have sharp, clear, impetuous movements;
  • vividly, loudly and confidently, they often raise their voices or "chatter";
  • accompanied by expressive gesture.

In a manner to move the choleric is a whirlwind.

Emotional background of choleric

All his life, the choleric is swinging on a swing - his emotions are constantly changing from one extreme point to another. A person of this kind always feels either on the summit of Mount Everest or at the bottom of the deepest gorge. The strength of his emotions is so great that even the rain that spoiled the picnic, the choleric man can survive as a Shakespearean tragedy.

Since the processes of excitation in a person's choleric temperament are poorly balanced by the processes of inhibition, it is extremely difficult for him to control his feelings. The choleric reacts to everything instantly, roughly, but quickly cools. "Spitfire, but quick-witted" is about him.

Choleric is vital to always somewhere to move and overcome obstacles.  If life suddenly becomes too stable, the choleric will quickly create a problem for himself, become angry with her and immediately begin to decide.

Another characteristic feature that governs the behavior of a person of this type is the desire for recognition.  The choleric believes in himself and his abilities, but it is important for him to receive confirmation from outside. For this reason people of choleric temperament can not stand solitude at all.

Positive aspects of the nature of the choleric

Summarize the positive traits of the nature of the choleric can be thus:

  • high energy;
  • sociability;
  • initiative;
  • the ability to ignite others with an idea;
  • leadership skills;
  • ability to overcome obstacles;
  • the ability to switch without focusing on the negative aspects of life.

All these qualities allow the choleric to win people's attention and lead them.

Negative sides

Among the negative aspects of the nature of the choleric can be called:

  • irritability and short temper;
  • excessive straightness and incontinence;
  • propensity to reckless actions;
  • inability to calculate their strengths and capabilities;
  • the propensity to abandon the affairs not completed;
  • garrulity;
  • conflict.

It is curious that a smart choleric with age becomes more balanced and stable, more like a sanguine person.

Friendship and Relationships

Unfortunately, people of this type of personality almost do not distinguish shades and halftones. For this reason it is difficult for them to understand the emotions of other people. Psychology with its reflection is not for a choleric person. The speed of his inner and outer life is too great to delve into other people's feelings and problems.

To be in a close relationship with the choleric is not easy. To change its nature still will not work, so the most correct strategy will be a philosophical attitude to all outbreaks and explosions.

The easiest way to get along with the choleric is a good-natured and lively sanguine person.  He just as quickly and brightly reacts to everything, will not let his partner get bored, and react to choleric riots with his best weapon - humor. Sanguine knows how to smooth out conflicts and make compromises, while not allowing himself to sit on his neck. And, on occasion, it can also provide the choleric with some of the difficulties needed for air.

A little more complicated, but the choleric union with the phlegmatic is possible.  A balanced and slightly sluggish phlegmatic can irritate the choleric and seem to him a bore. Phlegmatic, in turn, often tires the excessive activity and noisiness of the choleric. Such relations become promising if the partners leave each other with enough personal space and do not seek to reshape in their own way. In any case, it is the phlegmatic who can allow the choleric to shine without claiming leadership.

Bright and turbulent relationships develop in two choleric people.  It can be an "Italian family" - with regular battering of dishes and throwing things out of the balcony. Unfortunately, all this often ends in divorce. Friendship between two choleric people is more promising than a love affair.

The most complex and often tragic variant is the relationship between the choleric and the melancholic.  Overly sensitive, gentle and timid melancholic choleric often leaves mentally wounded, calling at the same time "mash".

Choice of profession

The modern world provides choleric people with great opportunities for professional self-realization. The main enemy of the people of the choleric warehouse is routine and boredom, so when choosing a profession they need to be guided by the principle "that tomorrow was not the way it is today".

Suitable for choleric people can be considered the following professions:

  • guide-guide;
  • journalist, reporter or TV host;
  • a typical actor;
  • athlete;
  • designer;
  • PR-manager;
  • specialist in advertising;
  • animator.

Choleric should avoid any monotonous work that does not allow splashing out the internal tension. It is quite difficult to realize choleric people in the service sector.

Life of the cholera

The ideal order in the house of a choleric is as rare a guest as a polar bear in the Sahara. From time to time, the choleric, with his characteristic enthusiasm, begins the general cleaning, bringing his home to a radiant state. But after a couple of days the owner of the house will again be annoyed about the fact that "nothing is found on the spot." And this is not surprising, because the place for each thing himself choleric constantly changes.

Most of all for the temperament of the choleric suits the style of Boho.  This is the interior of bohemia - chaotic, eclectic, extravagant, with a mass of original gizmos, bright textiles, books, lamps, pillows - everything that a witty choleric loves. A big plus of this style - the disorder in it is difficult to distinguish from the order.

Features of male choleric

The main characteristic of male choleric is domination. A choleric man will never be henpecked. He will gladly take responsibility for the family and never deviate from it, if a woman will allow him to feel the master of the situation.

A woman next to a choleric man needs to be ready for the fact that her partner from time to time will "bring home" working problems. If something does not work out for him, he will not leave his bad mood at the door of the house, but throw it out at home.

A man has a choleric temperament, a great circle of friends and a lot of friends. The wife of the choleric must be able to quickly set the table and treat the company, which the choleric husband can bring without warning in the middle of the night.

Choleric people are quite despotic parents. A choleric father can yell at a child. However, he will not rage for a long time. Coming to and fro, he will be ashamed of his flash and begin to pamper the child with the same passion and energy.

Features of the female choleric

The characteristics of the woman's choleric are described in detail in Margaret Mitchell's novel "Gone with the Wind". Scarlett O'Hara is a typical choleric.

Brightness and self-sufficiency are the main features of this type of women. In addition, ambitiousness and great willpower are attached. It is unlikely that someone will be able to make a female choleric woman become a housewife and dissolve in a man. She can subordinate anyone herself.

A female choleric has many traits that gender tradition considers masculine. She knows how to achieve her goals, does not like to give in, strives for constant self-development. Next to such a woman do not get bored.

However, this has the downside - the anger of a female choleric. Like a man of this type of temperament, she easily turns to screaming and is quite capable of rolling a tantrum. Such emotional instability can complicate the life not only of the woman herself, but also of her children.

Features of the choleric child

"He must run and jump, all snap, kick, or he will explode - fuck-baba - and there is no!" The words of this song accurately describe the choleric child. They are babies and rascals - they are the first to walk in puddles, climb a tree and pull the tablecloth off the table.

A choleric child is even more able than an adult to control himself. The features of the course of mental processes in this case are multiplied by the age immaturity, and parents can observe a record number of various emotions experienced per unit of time.

A child with this type of temperament seeks to constantly feel like the center of the universe.  You can attract the attention of adults in many ways, and if you can not make it a "good" behavior, the "bad" one is going to go. The fear of punishing a small choleric person can not be stopped. This must be taken into account in education and find other methods of pedagogical influence.

At school, choleric people learn well, thanks to their ability to "grasp on the fly."  They are not too cautious in fulfilling their school requirements, they often joke, they can also break the lesson. However, in general, there are teachers in good standing, famous for their intelligence and ingenuity.

A child of a choleric temperament often comes into conflict with other children.  The task of parents is to teach them to communicate, taking into account the interests of other people. In such a child it is necessary to instill sensitivity from an early age, otherwise it can easily grow up to be a rude.

If you help a choleric child to establish relationships with peers, he will quickly acquire a great many friends. The enthusiasm and energy of the little choleric people allows them to become leaders in any team.